Saturday, 26 March 2016


  • Curriculum evaluation is the process of obtaining information for judging the worth of an educational program, product, procedure educational objectives or the potential utility of alternative approaches designed to attain specified objectives (glass and worthem, 1997)
  •  Curriculum evaluation focuses on determine whether the curriculum as recorded in the master plan has been carried out in the classroom in evaluation a curriculum, the following key question are usually asked:

  1. Are the objectives being addressed?
  2.  Are the contents presented in the recommended sequence?
  3.  Are students being involved in the suggested instructional experience?
  4.   Are students reacting to the contents?

  • Formative and Summative Evaluation

            Summative evaluation is evaluation that takes place at the end of unit or section of instruction. Summative and formative evaluation can be contracted like this: summative evaluation takes place at the end of a lesson or project and tells the evaluator what is happening. Summative evaluation “sums up” the learning. It is after-the-fact, like end-of the-year testing .

          Formative evaluation is ongoing and yields information that can be used to modify the program prior to termination. (Howell and Nolet 2000)

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