Sunday, 27 March 2016


The Questions & Answers
·         are posed by the teacher to determine if students understand what is being/has been presented or to extend thinking, generate ideas or problem-solve.
·         provide opportunities for oral assessment when the student responds to a question by speaking rather than by writing.

Questions and answers are used to:
·         provide a mechanism which monitors a student’s understanding while assessing student progress (what they know and can do);

·         gather information about a student’s learning needs.

Question and answers:
·         help teachers and students clarify their purpose for learning and link previous information with new understandings.
      Teacher’s Role
The teacher:
·         notes how students answer questions during instruction to know if the students understand what is being presented or are able to perform skills;
·         should ensure that all students participate, not just those individuals who typically respond with answers.
Questions and answers:
·         can help to ensure that all students are involved if tracking is done to ensure that all students participate;
·         is used with consideration that some individuals are not comfortable or fluent expressing themselves orally.

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